A Tale of Two Veterans - Part One.

Wrestling a veteran in this sport can be a great experience.  Then again, it can be harrowing and nearly cripple you if you or your opponent don’t know what you are doing.  I’ve had both experiences with two veterans of the sport in the early days of my career. 

The first experience was against former WWF/WCW/ECW star and WWA4 trainer Mr. Hughes.  Before a FWF show in Covington, Hughes was in the ring training some of the guys there.  Guys like Chris Nelms, Osborne, and a few others I forget were in the ring working out with him when I got to the Armory that afternoon.  Eager to learn, I jumped in the mix during the session.  Hughes was showing us different stuff like how to apply a top-wristlock from a lockup position.  Everytime he wanted someone to do something, I jumped right in there.  He told me that I was a quick learner.  So much so, that I made my first FWF Internet/MultiMedia title defense against him that night.

By this time, Hughes had lost A LOT of weight and was in great condition.  He has always been agile for a big guy, but he really showed me how agile he was.  He taught me how to work without working in that match.  I was still green under the gills, but he made me look like the champion I wanted to be throughout the match.  I won the match via disqualification.  Just like all of my early matches, I recorded it.  I got back to the locker room and watched the match.  We looked over the match and he pinpointed things I did correctly and stuff I should have worked on.  A link to the match is at the bottom of the page.
From the time I met him that afternoon until the time I last saw him a few years ago at one of Antrone Brewer’s FALL BRAWL deals, I learned from the guy and I’m forever grateful.  To this day, a lot of people in Middle Georgia still come to me and ask about training to become a wrestler.  I direct every one of them WWA4.  In all honesty, there really aren’t a lot of new wrestlers being created around here anyway.

That was my best experience working a veteran in the business.  A few years later, a worked a guy in Fort Valley that fans of the old NWA Pacific Northwest region should be pretty familiar with.  Tune in to my BLOG this Wednesday to find out about that “experience”……
